In the GASKI Drinking Water Disinfection SCADA System, the chlorination of the water supply distribution networks and the water levels in the tank are monitored throughout in Gaziantep, Türkiye. In the system, disinfection is carried out for water resources in 9 districts and 794 neighborhoods of Gaziantep.
- While the amount of liquid chlorine in more than 400 warehouses is remotely monitored, teams are directed to the warehouses with low chlorine levels, thus saving on operating costs.
- With the RTUs used in the field, it is ensured that the amount of chlorine in the water is within the desired range.
- ViewPLUS SCADA software is running Hot-Stand by Redundant.
- GSM data transfer is optimized and data loss that will occur in any connection disconnection is prevented by using the communication protocol with the IEC60870-5-104 protocol.
- Any malfunction and alarm situation that may occur in the warehouses is immediately detected and the teams are directed.
- All alarms and important information can be recorded and analytically reported.
- Historical chlorine and tank level information can be reported.
- Using the mobile ViewPLUS Client application, Operational teams can access the system via mobile devices compatible with Android and IOS software.
- All stations are shown with real coordinates and geographical information with Google geographical map infrastructure.