Mikrodev PLC and Remote I/O products were used in the Pivot Arm Irrigation, Fertilization and Seed Dressing SCADA System at more than 90 points in Konya – Türkiye region. Agricultural irrigation area of 40000 decares is controlled by more than 180 PLC and Remote I/O devices.
- Over 180 Units Mikrodev PLC’s and Remote I/O’s
- Over 5000 data control via ViewPLUS SCADA
- Irrigation, fertilizing and seed dressing control with 91 stations over 40.000 decar field
- Adjusting the rotation speed and direction of the irrigation blades
- Adjusting the water pressure in the irrigation blades
- Adjusting the amount of water
- Monitoring of fertilizer amount
- Minimizing interference
- Real-time detection of risks and malfunctions
- Adjustment of the system and ensuring functionality in case of failure
- Protection of production and investment
- Reducing damage and costs caused by outages
- Optimized the operation and recovered from failure