Mikrodev PLC, DCS, IOT Protocol Converter and SCADA products provide solutions in many areas such as HVAC, lighting control, energy monitoring in BMS (Building Management System) and campus automation.
BMS & Campus Automation systems provide automatic management of all systems of a building or campus based on factors such as energy efficiency, security, comfort and control. These systems usually operate through a central software and hardware platform and can automatically monitor and manage physical systems, electrical, heating, ventilation and water systems, security systems, lighting systems and other functional elements in buildings.
In building management systems and campus automation, there are many advantages of performing all automation processes in the building from a single center. One of the advantages is that a possible malfunction is intervened more quickly. Thus, the workload of technical personnel is reduced and they can be used more efficiently. Energy saving is achieved by providing timed system control in lighting systems and by providing heat preservation with automatic control in air conditioning systems via SCADA. Energy values are monitored on the system, and fines are avoided in case of exceeding the consumption rate. Billing can be made based on the monthly consumption values of electricity meters, water meters and heat meters.
Thanks to these details, energy efficiency increases with building and campus automation systems, security and comfort are ensured, and managers are provided with the opportunity to monitor the status and performance of buildings continuously. The use of Mikrodev products in building and campus automation systems, while providing a better quality of life experience for individuals, means a more active and efficient administration and energy management for campus or building management. Within the scope of that, Mikrodev PLC, DCS, IOT Protocol Converter and SCADA products provide solutions in many areas such as HVAC, lighting control, energy monitoring in BMS.